
Concept Explanation


Force torque is a physical quantity that produces rotational motion in an object. It is equal to the product of the force on the object and the vertical distance of the object from the rotating axis.

Angular Momentum :- Product of the linear momentum and the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation of the object's mass center are called angular momentum.

Example :- A person skating on ice or a balle dancer increases his angular velocity by turning his hands or his body, reducing his inertia moment, similarly he increases his inertial moment by stretching his body to reduce his speed.

Force Pair :- Parallel forces acting on two objects in two equal opposite directions are called force pair. Such as opening the tap of water, opening the lid of medicine, etc.

Inertial Moment Moment :- The inertia moment of a rotating object about an axis is equal  to the product of the square of the vertical distance from its mass axis. Changing the position of the rotational axis of the object changes the

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